

Veterinary Diet
País productor:
USA, Netherlands

Hill's is currently one of the leaders in production of everyday and medicated food for cats and dogs. Food of this brand does not contain artificial colouring agents or preservative agents.

Daily food consists of selected hypoallergenic ingredients with high digestibility, which helps to avoid allergic reactions. The formulas of daily diets have been developed by veterinarians to allow healthy animals to receive the necessary power at all the life stages.

Hill's Prescription Diet is diet food recommended by veterinary professionals worldwide. The company was first to develop special food that helps in the treatment of specific diseases and conditions of dogs and cats.

The range “Hill's Nature's best" is a special series of food with natural meat and vegetable ingredients. The food does not contain wheat flour, soy, dairy products, artificial colouring agents, preservative agents or flavouring agents.

The range “Hill's Ideal Balance" is a perfectly balanced diet for your pet, free of corn, wheat and soy.

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  • Rjabinina Elena - 27 Mar 2015 18:37

    Кормила им прошлую кошку, увы, ее уже нету с нами. Состав корма не очень, как выяснилось. Печени, почки сели, видимо тк производится в России. Теперь всегда смотрю полезность состава для кошки и где производится.

  • Belova Alina - 19 Nov 2017 18:14

    Нашей кошке уже 8 лет, кормим Хиллсом для старичков. Но кошка очень активная, шерсть блестящая и на здоровье не жалуемся

  • Aleksandrova Nataliya - 09 Nov 2018 20:22

    Корм попробовали недавно. Кошкам нравится. Цена и качество идеальные.