- Denominación:
- Grupo:
- Semi longhair
- Categoría:
- Básica
- Procedencia:
- USA , Canada
The origin of the breed.
Despite the fact it’s name honours the Cymru, an ancient celtic tribe populating wha\ is now Wales, this breed’s development started in USA and Canada. There are still longhair manx to be encountered in Welsh country, and it is exactly longhair manx kittens that came to be the foundation of the breed. Starting from 60’s, fanciers Blair Wright (Canada) and Leslie Falteisek (USA) have pinpointed the longhair gene in the population located on Irish Sea’s Isle of Man. Not before 70’s has CCA-AFC have recognized the breed, yet the CFA would not do so until 1989, and under the name of Manx Longhair. FIFe were the slowest to follow, accepting Cymric under it’s original name in 2006. Appropriately, the breed is anything but popular in the Old World.
These cats are not unlike their Manx precursors: thick, roundish, short-spined, broad-sided and stout-legged. Their weight is appropriate at 7-12 lbs.
Breed is defined by it’s peculiar leg placement and configuration: front legs are rather wide set, and hind legs are longer so, making this feline resemble a rabbit. There is also a stumpy tail with a signature semilong coat.
Head: Medium sized, round, a bit longer than it is wide, this shape is sometimes referred to as “Inverted pear”. It’s forehead is roundish, jaws and cheeks are quite prominent. The nose is average in size, with a defined “Stop” breal. Muzzle is meant to be short, round [and slightly bulging]. Chin is defined by strong lines.
Eyes: Large, round, and ever so slightly slanted. Eye colour should comply with coat’s.
Neck: thick and short.
Body: Average in size, compact, square type. Wide and round rump. Muscles are well developed and bone carcass is strong.
Legs: Very strong, front legs are wide-set and thick, much shorter than hind legs.
Paws: Small, compact and round.
Tail: Very short or absent, only the small indent is palpable where tail is expected.
Coat: Semi-long doublecoat with a developed undercoat, borderline long on flanks. Silky and soft to the touch.
Colours: Solid, tabby, colourpoint, bicolors coats. Any colour is accepted.
Flaws: Waddy or thin coat, equally long hair on all body parts.
Disqualification on shows:
Since the taillessness gene comes with a danger for well-being, standard has some allowance for cats with a few tail vertebrae present.However, only two variations are show-worthy: tailless (rumpy) and with only a few vertebrae palpable, but invisible (rumpy-riser). An animal with multiple vertebrae (stumpy) and a relatively normal, somewhat long tail (longie) are to be only used as breeding stock, these animals will be disqualified for “inadequate condition”.
Disqualification for all breeds: Amputated claws, cryptorchism, deafness.
Character traits and features
Cymric cats are rather playful yet tender, extremely friendly and easygoing, if not a little touchy. Despite that, they are maintain a kind attitude to other pets and people in your house, including children, which they play nice with.
While not at all aggressive, they are great micers and chasers. Because of the latter, however, they need a lot of space.
Maintenance and care
Their coat not too long and would not require more than a thorough scrape with a comb or a metal brush, note that these cats may also be cleaned right after bath. If anything, their is easy to look after due to it’s inherent non-tangling quality.
Nutrition choices
A balanced diet of natural ingredients is preferred.
Selection and breeding
Allowed crossings: No two tailless Cymrics should breed to avoid heavy pathology and birth defects.
Breeds relative to or derived from Cymric: Manx.
Obsolete and alternative breed names
Wales cat;
Isle of Man Longhair.