* WCF – Show licensing management – Germany *


Kiev - Ukraine


Date: September 21 - 22, 2019

Issue 2: Gelsenkirchen, 2019-02-27

Issue 1: Gelsenkirchen, 2018-12-22

1st application: 2018-12-17

License L# 194095 - EUROPE CONTINENT SHOW- UKA-020

C13820, C13821, D15835

On Sunday double judgement with permission

to: Felinologicheskij Alians Ukrainy FAU (FAU) Att.: Alexandr Melnikov

Dear President(s),

this license is to give you the right to hold the show listed below once it is licensed under WCF Show Rules

and regulations.

No other rings, for whatever purpose, are allowed in WCF shows, only WCF-rings.

See approved rules for that purpose.

Responsible club: FAU (UA-0163)

WCF-Rings Adult & Kitten/Junior



Walter Baraldi, Italy (AB, WCF); Tamara Biryukova, Ukraine (AB, WCF)

Alla Serimoglu, Turkey (AB, WCF)

On Sunday two certificates


It is not allowed to add any judge, not listed in this license, and no other judge, for whatever purpose, is allowed

to judge on this exhibition.

Monobreed rings are generally not permitted, any wins will not be recognized.

You may organize special breed shows (at least 15 cats). These special breed shows are not permitted to be called "ring" or to be performed as ring.

The only rings, which you are permitted to perform, are the 3 WCF-rings as defined in the Show Rules.

All other rings need the permission of the office.

You can make a separate Best in Show for specific breeds, which must be made according to the rules for the BIS.

The winners of the BIS for the 5 categories and the winners of the BIS of special breed shows are allowed to participate in the Best of Best. A cat can only participate in one BIS per show.

Please remember to place on stage a large WCF symbol and print this license on one of the first pages of the

show catalogue.

Only exhibitions with licenses printed in the show catalogues prove they are really licensed and valid for WCF awards.

ALL SHOWS MUST BE LICENSED and licenses must be printed in the show catalogues.

Each show catalogue must include a page for the WCF, including the names and addresses of the actual Board-members.

In all World and International Shows with foreign judges or exhibitors, all announcements and cat calls during the show and Best in Show ceremonies, MUST BE made also in English, not only in the native language of the country.

In WCF exhibitions cats cannot be judged more than once per day even in combined exhibitions with two or more WCF-clubs, under penalty of rules.

An electronically copy of this show catalogue and all results must be sent to the Chairman of the Show commission to the mail address show.results@wcf-online.de, latest 10 days after the date of exhibition.

The club will face disciplinary actions, and at least a fine of Euro 200.- will apply if the club does not comply with these resolutions.

In addition, we want to remind you of the following important points:

International shows can only be recognized, if an amount of minimum 80 cats are registered in the catalogue on each showday.

A change of the place or the date requires new license numbers.

If you need to invite other judges please send the amended show-application at least 6 weeks before the date of

the exhibition.

If you have to cancel the exhibition it is necessary to inform the license manager before the planned date.

This license will become invalid with suspension or expulsion of the requesting club. Likewise, it loses its validity for non prolongation of patronage. There is no claim for reimbursement of the license fees.

All WCF clubs are welcome to participate in the Best Cat of WCF. All questions about participating please send to support@wcfbestcat.com

We from the Board wish you all the best for this upcoming show.

Best regards

WCF show licensing management

Gisela Danisch

*According to § 28 and § 29 BDSG (Federal Data Protection Act) passing on of all WCF exhibition data including show results to third parties for non-WCF purposes is prohibited.

WCF is a registered trademark of World Cat Federation. Its use by non-members will result in prosecution.

The Board

The Board of WCF consists of the president, the secretary general and the treasurer.
The Extended Board consists of the two vice-presidents. The WCF has various Commissions.

Executive committee: The Board

Anneliese Hackmann

Geisbergstr. 2
D-45139 Essen

phone: +49-(0)-201-555 724
fax: +49-(0)-201-552 747
email: wcf@wcf-online.de

Secretary General
Tatjana Cernova

Hapsalas 15-31
LV-1005 Riga

mobile: +371-291 234 30
email: wcf.secretarygeneral@inbox.lv


Cornelia Hungerecker


D-45141 Essen

Mobile: +49-(0)177-732 82 98

Email: treasurer@wcf-online.de

Extended Board

1st Vice-president

Anna Rudakova

ul. Moskovskaya, 13a
440031 Penza

phone: +7 8412 66 0130

mobile: +7 902 352 7153
email: 1.vice-president@wcf-online.de

2nd Vice-president

Wojciech-Albert Kurkowski

Zakowice / Polen

Tel.: +48-602 227 328


Honorary President
Paulo S. Ruschi
New York / USA

Mobil: +1-718-721 09 39

Email: psruschi@gmail.com

Commissions and Service

Disciplinary Commission

Aleksander Cierpisz

PL-52-204 Wroclaw

phone: +48-664-80 35 03

email: wcf.disciplinary.commission@gmail.com

Elena Fedorenko

RU-191119 Ekaterinburg
email: urman.r66@gmail.com

Dr. Paolo Veneziani


IT-38121 Trento

phone:+39-340-652 02 81

email: bran@ilcerchiodianu.com

Standard- and Judges Commission

-Working group-

Jürgen Trautmann

(speaker working group)

responsible for judges exams

DE-63864 Glattbach


Mobile: +49-170 493 38 60

Email: wcf.trautmann@gmx.de

Cornelia Hungerecker

(delegated by the Board)

responsible for judge permissions

D-45141 Essen

Mobile: +49-177 732 82 98

Email: treasurer@wcf-online.de

Stefanie Borowski

(member working group)

D-58452 Witten

Mobile: +49-172 266 06 26

Email: wcf.borowski@web.de

Daniel Counasse

(member working group)

BR-4624 Romsee


Mobile: +32-472 46 54 95

Email: danielcounasse@gmail.com

Tatyana Diatschuk

(member working group)

UA-3194 Kiev

Mobil: +380-67-987 99 87

Email: kotskiy2@gmail.com

Marie-Claude Lemaigre

(member working group)

BE-6060 Gilly

Phone: +32-719 500 23

Email: wcf.marie@gmail.com

Show Commission

Aija Nuke


Tel: +371-2-940 74 04
Email: aija.nuke@inbox.lv

Michael Gruhn

45277 Essen


Email: Gruhn.WCF@aol.com

Wojciech-Albert Kurkowski
(delegated by the Board)




Leonid Mytko


Email: leonid.mitko@gmail.com

Roman Nitsenko


Email: oriroom@yandex.ru

Maria-Elvira Schult


Email: eschult@t-online.de

Other adresses

Assistant to the president
Svetlana Lalovic
Languages: EN, DE, FR
Email: lepetit.rs@gmail.com

Assistant to the Secretary General
Pavel Rudov
Languages: EN, RU
Email: solitomagis@gmail.com

Licenses for exhibitions

in Russia - European part and Belarus

Marina Khodusova

Novosibirsk / Russia

mobile: +7-913-767 26 65
email: wcf.show.license@gmail.com

Exhibitions in all other countries

Gisela Danisch

email: wcf@gmx-topmail.de

in Russia - Asian part, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia

Tatiana Karikh
Sochi / Russia

email: show.requests4@wcf-online.de


Cattery registrations
Doris Reiter
WCF Office Essen/Germany
Email: wcfgermany@aol.com

Certified pedigrees
Email: pedigrees@wcf-online.de

Jointshows with Non-WCC organizations
Tatjana Cernova
Email: wcf.secretarygeneral@inbox.lv

Permissions, website and other matters
WCF Office Essen/Germany
Email: wcfev@aol.com

Cornelia Hungerecker
Email: wcf.seminars@gmx.de
Show results
Email: show.results@wcf-online.de
Marion Meister
Email: wcf.worldshow@aol.com
General questions about:
club accounts, incoming payments, hologram stickers, license numbers, published website content, WCH certificates
Gisela Danisch
Email: wcf@gmx-topmail.de


Tanja Krause
D-45139 Essen
Email: wcf@wcf-online.de

John Peters
Email: guidici@hetnet.nl

Фелинологический Альянс Украины

от всего сердца благодарит участников,

соучастников и спонсоров БАЛА КОШЕК,

за помощь в его организации. Успехов ВАМ и ПРОЦВЕТАНИЯ!

Правила поведения на выставках ФАУ!

Дорогие Участники выставки!

Приезжайте на выставку, как на праздник, на котором одновременно соберутся все Ваши друзья.

Участвуйте во всех конкурсах, которые нелепо пытаются организовать устроители выставки.

Возможно, не совсем удачно, но - они стараются…

Отнеситесь к ним, как к себе подобным, с пониманием к различного рода недостаткам в процессе выставки…

Поверьте, они Вам рады!

В случае если эксперт не смог оценить по достоинству ваше сокровище - пожалейте эксперта, он тоже человек, и ему свойственно ошибаться.

Будут и другие…

От всего сердца радуйтесь не только своим победам –

и ваши, не заставят себя долго ждать.

Общайтесь с посетителями (гостями выставки) – заражайте их своим увлечением. Не бойтесь, что они примут вас (извините), за людей, которые слегка не в ладах с головой.

Не будем обижаться на правду. Пожелаем им приобщиться!

Ведь это приносит нам радость! Помним об этом!

По окончанию выставки, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА - опустите организаторам все их грехи.

Поверьте, они болели за каждого из Вас, и надеются,

что несмотря ни на что, все плохое забудется,

ахорошее - останется с Вами!

Успехов ВАМ! Любви , Вдохновения и желанного всеми нами МИРА!

С Уважением к Вам и Вашим Кошкам!

Фелинологический Альянс Украины

Программа выставки:

Суббота – 21 СЕНТЯБРЯ

Воскресенье – 22 СЕНТЯБРЯ

Регистрация участников и ветеринарный контроль


Регистрация участников


Официальное открытие выставки


Официальное открытие выставки






Конкурсы, “Best in Show”


Конкурсы, “Best in Show”


Закрытие 1-го дня выставки


Закрытие выставки, сбор оборудования, получение оценочных сертификатов



Chief Administrator

Alexander Melnikov; Marina Vasina


Marina Vasina; Irina Nikolaenko; Natalya Melnikova


Basenko Nikita; Vasina Daria

Official photographer of the exhibition:

Eugene Uder

Уважаемые участники выставки!!!

Оценки, покинувших выставку до её закрытия, будут аннулированы.

Longhair group

British Longhair

BLH ny 11 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP/-)
black golden shaded Olly Puma Brilliant Female
1 born 25.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Lemurcat Khan (BRI ny 11)
Dam: Lemurcat Caramelika (BLH ny 11)


PER d 22 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
red blotched Jorje-Sun*Dom Vesta Male
2 born 28.08.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Nata-Li*UA Dareos Red San (EXO d 22)
Dam: Sofia-Sun (PER e 21 33)
PER n 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/-)
black Camus Mister X Male
3 born 09.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Nigeria Exothelli of Camus (EXO d 24)
Dam: Chareza Shakira of Camus (EXO n 23)

Highland Fold

SFL d 02 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/-)
red harlequin Sweet turtle Vivi Female
4 born 13.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Eur.Ch. Zoryana Dexter (SFL 71 d 02 21)
Dam: WCF Int.Ch. Allianna Aneli (SFS hs 03 22)
SFL d 03 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP/-)
red bicolour Mari-ko Bisquit Male
5 born 05.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Mari-ko Whisky (SFL a 03 22)
Dam: Moya Lubov Monica (SFS 71 f 09)
SFL f 03 22 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
black tortie blotched bicolour Imprimis Khaleesi Female
6 born 05.02.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Coupari Herbie The Lovebug (SFL 71 d 02 21)
Dam: Lukor-Fold Ultra Bright Star (SFS f 03 22)
SFL fs 02 21 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP/CACP)
black tortie silver tabby harlequin Sweet turtle Vikki Female
7 born 13.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Eur.Ch. Zoryana Dexter (SFL 71 d 02 21)
Dam: WCF Int.Ch. Allianna Aneli (SFS hs 03 22)
SFL w 62 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP/CACP)
white w/orange eyes ViAkvarelle Odessa Female
9 born 24.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: ViAkvarelle Neon (SFS w 61)
Dam: ViAkvarelle Karmen (SFL 71 f 03 22)
SFL w 62 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
white w/orange eyes Marble Magic Hillary Female
10 born 26.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFL w 63 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP/CACP)
white w/odd eyes ViAkvarelle Olimp Male
11 born 24.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: ViAkvarelle Neon (SFS w 61)
Dam: ViAkvarelle Karmen (SFL 71 f 03 22)

Scottish Straight Longhair

SFL 71 b 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
chocolate Azamat MurMatagot Male
12 born 01.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Merlin (SFL b)
Dam: Avrora Leitis Brungilda (SFL 71 ns)
SFL 71 f 03 22 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
black tortie blotched bicolour Imprimis LeeLoo Female
13 born 17.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Coupari Herbie The Lovebug (SFL 71 d 02 21)
Dam: Imprimis Enigma Mystique (SFS 71 n 02 22)
SFL 71 ny 25 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black golden ticked WCF Ch. Amir Kvasol'ka Male
14 born 30.08.2018
Microchip: 900057600010181
Sire: Ivas Saimon Gay Joker (SFS 71 ny 24)
Dam: Assol of Irbis (SFL 71 ny 25)
SFL 71 w 63 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
white w/odd eyes Marble Magic Hamlet Neuter
15 born 26.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFL 71 20. Show class litter (Litter/Litter/Litter)
color determination Ramyata G Litter
16 born 16.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Int.Ch. Good Mood Zapal (SFL e 02 21)
Dam: WCF Int.Ch. Maya Furry Friends (SFL 71 f 03)

Selkirk Rex Longhair

SRL a 03 1. Show class world champion (PH/PH/PH)
blue bicolour Joy My Soul Andrea Female
17 born 30.08.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

Semi longhair group

Maine Coon

MCO a 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
blue WCF Gr.Int.Ch. RU*Catsvill County's Sapphire Elf Male
18 born 09.08.2018
Microchip: 804098100118492
Sire: RU*Good Boy!SharmMuar of Catsvill Countv (MCO as)
Dam: Ascent Quetinka (MCO a 22)
MCO a 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
blue Vlastelin UA*Lorens&Arche Male
19 born 20.12.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Yanika Coon Grey (MCO ns 22)
Dam: Alisa of UA*Lorens & Arche (MCO f 09 22)
MCO a 03 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
blue bicolour Victor-Bazuka of Dionysus*UA Male
20 born 09.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Klondike Mon Amour Coon*UA (MCO e 03 24)
Dam: Zver Yuga Berta (MCO g)
MCO a 09 24 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
blue spotted w/white UA*Force of life Kantsler Male
21 born 24.01.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
MCO d 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
red Garfild of Dionysus*UA Neuter
22 born 24.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Jaz Man Mon Amour Coon*UA (MCO d)
Dam: Alfa Santa Catalina (MCO d 09)
MCO d 03 22 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
red blotched bicolour Santorini Archibald Male
23 born 01.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Magadan Pride Gakomo (MCO d 03 24)
MCO d 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
red Simon Simbalion Male
24 born 15.09.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Obi Ken Koon (MCO n 22)
Dam: SIMBALION Bianka (MCO f 23)
MCO d 22 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP/CACP)
red blotched Garold Bastetto*UA Male
25 born 23.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Austin Powers Kunokasta (MCO n 24)
Dam: X-Missia Bastetto*UA (MCO f 22)
MCO ds 09 24 7. Show class grand international champion (CACE/CACE/CACE)
red silver spotted w/white Mozart Mazurka Male
26 born 10.11.2016
Microchip: -
Sire: UA*Mazurka Batman (MCO n 09)
Dam: UA*Mazurka Anais Anais (MCO ds 23)
MCO e 03 24 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
cream spotted bicolour Klondike Mon Amour Coon*UA Male
27 born 18.11.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Big Kitty Baron (MCO n 03)
Dam: Galeeny Mon Amour Coon*UA (MCO f 23)
MCO f 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
black tortie Darsy Female
28 born 29.12.2018
Microchip: 3136
Sire: Titan Lito-Svit*UA (MCO a 22)
Dam: -
MCO f 03 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
black tortie bicolour Santorini Arzu Female
29 born 01.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Magadan Pride Gakomo (MCO d 03 24)
MCO fs 03 25 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black tortie silver ticked bicolour WCF Ch. Mainelynx Willenia Female
30 born 12.11.2018
Microchip: 643094100605161 RUS
Sire: Bloomingtree Wotan (MCO ns 25)
Dam: Wildbeautycoon's Amneris Mainelynx (MCO f 03)
MCO fs 24 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
black tortie silver spotted Daenerys Bastetto*UA Female
31 born 08.06.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Saymon Bastet*UA (MCO ns 22)
Dam: Uralridge Paloma (MCO f 24)
MCO g 03 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/-)
blue tortie (blue cream) bicolour Viola of Dionysus*UA Spay
32 born 09.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Klondike Mon Amour Coon*UA (MCO e 03 24)
Dam: Zver Yuga Berta (MCO g)
MCO n 03 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
black bicolour German of Dionysus*UA Neuter
33 born 24.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Jaz Man Mon Amour Coon*UA (MCO d)
Dam: Alfa Santa Catalina (MCO d 09)
MCO n 03 22 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP/CACP)
black blotched bicolour Bayarsaykhan Tzarhouse Female
34 born 18.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: RedGates Dreamsoon Tzar (MCO n 03 24)
Dam: Sapphire-Cat Dolka (MCO f)
MCO n 03 22 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
black blotched bicolour Santorini Ardan Male
35 born 01.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Magadan Pride Gakomo (MCO d 03 24)
MCO n 09 22 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/-)
black blotched w/white UA*Force of klife Jack Sparrow Male
36 born 01.12.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
MCO n 09 24 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB/CACIB)
black spotted w/white Ferrari of Friendly Kot Male
37 born 21.02.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Int.Ch. Mister Coon RU* Edmond (MCO n 24)
Dam: WCF Ch. AglowCoons Olympia (MCO a 09 22)
MCO n 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black blotched UA*Dnipro Sich Ektor Male
38 born 11.07.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: RO*Handy Dandy Sensei (MCO n 22)
Dam: Arisya Dnipro Sich (MCO g 03 22)
MCO n 22 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/-)
black blotched Amina Smalllynx Female
39 born 07.02.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Name Zver Star Sky (MCO a 22)
Dam: -
MCO n 22 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
black blotched Quite the Hero Pectoral Male
40 born 28.02.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Avatar Pectoral (MCO d 22)
Dam: Caramel's My Love (MCO f)
MCO n 25 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black ticked BG* Abenaki Rafinad Male
41 born 20.06.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Mainelynx Edelmar (MCO ds 25)
Dam: Nezabudka Valthasar*RU (MCO f 09)
MCO ns 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
black smoke Inari Birma Female
42 born 19.01.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Gordey Solid Fantasy*UA (MCO a)
Dam: Black Faraon Kamelia of Inari (MCO ns)
MCO ns 09 22 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
black silver blotched w/white UA*Force of klife Kapitoshka Male
43 born 01.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
MCO ns 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black silver blotched Country Gulliver`s VeroNa Female
44 born 17.11.2016
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
MCO 20. Show class litter (Litter/Litter/Litter)
color determination Litter NoCattery F... Litter
45 born 14.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: RO*Handy Mattchew David McConaugehy (MCO n 22)
Dam: Amelie Slavovich (MCO ns)


RAG n 03 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB/-)
black bicolour Gemma Maskotek*PL Female
46 born 27.10.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

Shorthair group


ABY n (aby) 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB/CAGCIB)
ruddy (abyssinian) Berberis Bruno Male
47 born 16.07.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Berberis Truffaldino (ABY n (aby))
Dam: Berberis Shakira (ABY n (aby))
ABY n (aby) 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
ruddy (abyssinian) Berberis Kelly Female
48 born 09.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
ABY n (aby) 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
ruddy (abyssinian) Berberis Kerry Male
49 born 09.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
ABY n (aby) 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
ruddy (abyssinian) Berberis Kristofer Male
50 born 09.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
ABY o (aby) 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
sorrel (abyssinian) Shaterie Tiffani Female
51 born 19.08.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Armany Apollonovitch (ABY n (aby))
Dam: Queen Margot Gloria (ABY o (aby))
ABY o (aby) 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
sorrel (abyssinian) Berberis Kasper Male
52 born 09.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -


BEN n 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black spotted Mountain River Asya Female
53 born 01.05.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

British Shorthair

BRI a 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB/CACE)
blue Mick Jagger Terrae Filius Male
54 born 28.02.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Rich Copper Own King (BRI a)
Dam: Nosey Flower Glosway (BRI a)
BRI a 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
blue WCh. Dexter van Kremen City Male
55 born 19.03.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Jhon Travolta of Royal Candy Cats (BRI a)
Dam: Koko van Kremen City (BRI a)
BRI c 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
lilac Ice Notve Espoir Male
56 born 07.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Epifan Tin Arden*Ru (BRI a)
Dam: Emma English Charm*RU (BRI f)
BRI e 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
cream Upper Lux Ventus Male
57 born 22.02.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
BRI e 03 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
cream bicolour Ultimate Lux Ventus Male
58 born 22.02.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Apollon Lux Ventus (BRI a 03)
Dam: WCF Ch. Eva Elly-Style Blue Adamas*BY (BRI g)
BRI g 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP/CACP)
blue tortie (blue cream) Zara of Great Fate Female
59 born 03.05.2019
Microchip: 643099000863270
Sire: Teddy Brits Bernstein (BRI a)
Dam: Snow White Eliza Fairy Lady Of Great Fate (BRI g 03)
BRI ny 11 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CAGCIB/-)
black golden shaded Voloshka's Sem Male
60 born 21.08.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Ch. Walter Olympus Top (BRI ny 12)
Dam: WCF Ch. Uslada Catrina (BRI ny 25)
BRI ny 25 5. Show class european (continental) champion (CAGCE/CAGCE/CACM)
black golden ticked Natalyland's Golden Jazz Male
61 born 15.12.2015
Microchip: -
Sire: Natalyland's Golden Andy (BRI ny 25)
Dam: Natalyland's Golden Alison Wheatcroft (BRI ny 25)
BRI ny 25 9. Show class international champion (-/CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
black golden ticked WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Carand'Ache Quentin Male
62 born 24.09.2015
Microchip: 112093400010849BLR
Sire: Carand'ache Ikar (BRI ny 25)
Dam: Carand'ache Anghelina (BRI ns 11)
BRI ay 12 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/-)
blue golden shell (blue chinchilla) Voloshka's Daniel Male
63 born 05.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Ch. Walter Olympus Top (BRI ny 12)
Dam: WCF Ch. Uslada Catrina (BRI ny 25)
BRI ny 25 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/-)
black golden ticked Voloshka's Diamant Male
64 born 05.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Ch. Walter Olympus Top (BRI ny 12)
Dam: WCF Ch. Uslada Catrina (BRI ny 25)


BUR n (bur) 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
sable (burmese) Amur Silk Prince Male
65 born 12.02.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

Devon Rex

DRX b 03 21 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
chocolate tabby bicolour Mistbreeze*UA Cherry Winnie the Pooh Male
66 born 04.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
DRX b 21 33 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/-)
chocolate point tabby Ellis Menski de Von Female
67 born 30.01.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Hans Lasvegascurl of Menski de Von (DRX n 24)
Dam: Uma Elven Princess (DRX c 21)
DRX b 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
chocolate spotted Jabulani Mike Tyson Male
68 born 29.07.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
DRX c 21 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
lilac tabby Dakota Menski de Von Female
69 born 18.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Hans Lasvegascurl of Menski de Von (DRX n 24)
Dam: WCF Ch. Tutsi Lasvegascurl (DRX h 03 21)
DRX h 21 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
chocolate tortie tabby Mistbreeze*UA Bianca Female
70 born 04.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
DRX w 61 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
white /blue eyes Lina Mysterious Elf Female
71 born 08.03.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Valentino Mysterious Elf (DRX a)
Dam: Tutsi Mysterious Elf (DRX w 61)
DRX w 62 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
white w/orange eyes Mistbreeze*UA Olivia Female
72 born 18.04.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
DRX w 63 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
white w/odd eyes Mistbreeze*UA Harmony Female
73 born 08.06.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Jabulani Richie (DRX w 62)
Dam: Mistbreeze*UA Uliana (DRX d 03)

Exotic Shorthair

EXO d 02 21 62 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/-)
red tabby harlequin w/yellow eyes Grand Joy Vania Male
74 born 20.07.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Morrison (EXO d 01 21)
Dam: Lusia (EXO f 03)
EXO d 24 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
red spotted Camus Burger Male
75 born 03.01.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Nigeria Exothelli of Camus (EXO d 24)
Dam: Muffin Fresh of Camus (EXO f 03)
EXO f 02 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/-)
black tortie harlequin Sweeet Luck Capitolina of Porrima Female
76 born 01.04.2018
Microchip: -
EXO n 5. Show class european (continental) champion (CAGCE/CAGCE/-)
black Camus C.King Kong Male
77 born 29.08.2016
Microchip: -
Sire: Camus Shiko (EXO n 24)
Dam: Muffin Yet Again of Camus (EXO n)
EXO n 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB/CACIB)
black Camus Miracle Chunya Male
78 born 28.05.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Camus C.King Kong (EXO n)
Dam: Chareza Shakira of Camus (EXO n 23)
EXO n 03 24 5. Show class european (continental) champion (CAGCE/CAGCE/CAGCE)
black spotted bicolour Camus Ponchik Male
79 born 19.06.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Helens Nimbus of Kolombina (EXO d 03 22)
Dam: All Feast Samanta of Camus (EXO f 03 24)
EXO n 24 14. Show class neuter (CAP/CAP/-)
black spotted Camus Shiko Neuter
80 born 25.05.2015
Microchip: -
Sire: Alen (PER n 03 22)
Dam: Chareza Shakira of Camus (EXO n 23)
EXO 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
color determination Amanda Assol Astra Archi Atilla Antonio Accord Litter
81 born 05.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

Russian Blue

RUS a 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
blue Osinka of Silver Track Female
82 born 15.09.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Dave of Silver Track (RUS a)
Dam: Varvara Vasilievna Kaptown (RUS a)

Scottish Fold Shorthair

SFS f 03 22 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB/CACIB)
black tortie blotched bicolour Imprimis Gorgeous Angel Female
83 born 10.02.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Coupari Herbie The Lovebug (SFL 71 d 02 21)
Dam: Lukor-Fold Ultra Bright Star (SFS f 03 22)
SFS n 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black Shelly Black Riddle Female
84 born 13.02.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Martin Moon Riddle (SFS 71 ns 22 62)
Dam: Krasotka (BRI ns 24 62)
SFS n 22 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/-)
black blotched Sweet turtle Villi Male
85 born 13.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Eur.Ch. Zoryana Dexter (SFL 71 d 02 21)
Dam: WCF Int.Ch. Allianna Aneli (SFS hs 03 22)
SFS n 25 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black ticked Voloshka's Xenia Female
86 born 26.05.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Winston Zolotoi Zamok (BRI ny 11)
Dam: Voloshka's Honda (SFS n 24)
SFS ns 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB/CACIB)
black smoke Big Boy Adel's Scottishpride*UA Male
87 born 26.01.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Martin Moon Riddle (SFS 71 ns 22 62)
Dam: Adel Silver Crystal (SFS ns 22)
SFS ns 03 22 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/-)
black silver blotched bicolour Voloshka's Baron Male
88 born 08.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Voloshka's Oscar (SFS ns 03 22)
Dam: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Chita (SFS 71 n 03 22)
SFS ns 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black silver blotched Citrus Adel’s Scottishpride*UA Male
89 born 17.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Martin Moon Riddle (SFS 71 ns 22 62)
Dam: Adel Silver Crystal (SFS ns 22)
SFS ns 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/-)
black silver spotted Silver Foot Cleopatra Female
90 born 16.08.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Adonis (SFS ns 22 64)
Dam: Iowa Royal Star (SFS 71 ns 24)
SFS ny 22 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB/CACIB)
black golden blotched Anjey-Baxter Golden Prince of Arran Male
91 born 20.06.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Bracelet Magnitka Gold (SFS ny 22)
Dam: Alicia-Abigail Fairy Isle of Arran Irbis (SFS 71 n 25)
SFS w 62 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP/CACP)
white w/orange eyes Good Mood Halle Female
92 born 11.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. WCF Double Master Good Mood Edelweiss (SFS 71 w 61)
Dam: Good Mood Amelie (SFL 71 h)
SFS 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
color determination Liter F Adel’s Scottishpride Litter
93 born 28.08.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Ambassador Adel’s Scottishpride (SFS 71 n 22)

Scottish Straight Shorthair

SFS 71 d 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
red blotched Xanta-Lusiya Fancy Tails Elit Female
94 born 09.10.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: MaScott Pet Cavalier Citrus of Demidoff (SFS d 22)
Dam: MONA (SFS 71 e)
SFS 71 f 03 22 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB/CACIB)
black tortie blotched bicolour Magic Marble Sophia Loren Female
95 born 04.06.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: McCrae World Diesel (SFL 71 n 03 22)
Dam: Magic Marble Zlata (SFS d 03 22)
SFS 71 f 22 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP/CACP)
black tortie blotched Winterfall Darkness Female
96 born 21.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Magic Swan Liliana of Winterfall (SFS 71 d 22)
Dam: Magic Swan Liliana of Winterfall (SFS d 22)
SFS 71 g 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
blue tortie (blue cream) Marble Magic Irena Female
97 born 27.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFS 71 n 03 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
black bicolour Marble Magic Irbis Male
98 born 27.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFS 71 ns 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB/-)
black silver blotched Tanais Diamond Rikky Male
99 born 19.05.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Sunny Crystal Irbis for Tanais Diamond (SFS 71 ns 22)
Dam: Barbaris Juliya for Tanais Diamond (SFS hs 22)
SFS 71 w 61 1. Show class world champion (PH/PH/PH)
white /blue eyes WCF W.Ch. WCF Double Master Good Mood Edelweiss Male
100 born 13.05.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Bell-De-Nissan's Dominic (SFS es 03 24)
Dam: Good Mood Doroty (SFL 71 w 62)
SFS 71 w 64 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
white/green eyes Good Mood Desert Male
101 born 14.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. WCF Double Master Good Mood Edelweiss (SFS 71 w 61)
Dam: Good Mood Chinese (SFS ns 24)
SFS 71 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/-)
color determination Litter E Litter
102 born 01.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Oligarch Alex&Archibald (SFS 71 as 25)
Dam: Vesta (SFS js 22)

Siamese group

Mekong Bobtail

MBT b 33 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
chocolate point WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Macho of Cofein-Pride Male
103 born 30.07.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Richard Galaxy Mekong (MBT b 33)
Dam: Neytiri of Cofein-Pride (MBT a 21 33)


THA a 21 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB/CACE)
blue tabby Adamant Royal Symphony Male
104 born 15.05.2017
Microchip: 990000002116873
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Lulamey Thai Legend (THA a 33)
Dam: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Thando Thaina Town (THA n 21 33)
THA b 33 1. Show class world champion (PH/PH/PH)
chocolate point WCF W.Ch. Alsu Beauty Tricky Tail Female
105 born 04.11.2013
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Oscar Star Spirit Of Neva (THA c 33)
Dam: Bardot Musipusi (THA b 33)
THA b 33 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB/CACE)
chocolate point WCF Int.Ch. Barbie Regal Splendor Female
106 born 23.07.2017
Microchip: 643099000208574
Sire: Abigail (THA b 33)
Dam: Elinka Regal Splendor (THA n 33)



BAM n 03 22a. Show class provisionally recognized breeds (PRB/PRB/-)
black bicolour Bambi-Bum Caesar of Star Line Kiss Male
107 born 10.06.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Deniel*s Leon (SPH d 03)
Dam: Bambi-Bum Alexa (BAM n 33)

Hairless group

Don Sphynx

DSX e 21 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
cream tabby Uch Ti Harmahis Male
108 born 01.06.2019
Microchip: 968000011036864
Sire: German Fanfast (DSX e 21 33)
Dam: Alsu Harmahis (DSX e)
DSX f 02 33 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB/CACE)
seal tortie point harlequin Pocelui Valkirii Kleopatra Female
109 born 09.08.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Otello Bella Sphinx (DSX n 03 33)
Dam: Pocelui Valkirii Aida (DSX f 02 33)
DSX 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
color determination Litter NoCattery T... Litter
110 born 08.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -


SPH b 03 33 7. Show class grand international champion (CACE/CAGCE/CAGCE)
chocolate point w/white Richard Gold Male
111 born 28.09.2016
Microchip: -
Sire: Elian Katsuro de Avatara (SPH b 03 33)
Dam: Gold Bastet Bonya (SPH n 33)
SPH n 02 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/-)
black harlequin Star Line Kiss Kenzo Male
112 born 01.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Bambi-Bum Caesar of Star Line Kiss (BAM n 03)
Dam: Star Line Kiss Libbi (SPH n 03 21)
SPH n 33 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
seal point Marsel Hunter Male
113 born 24.10.2015
Microchip: -
Sire: Batist Alira (SPH n 33)
Dam: Qadesh Dolli (SPH a 33)
SPH n 33 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
seal point Alien Guest Samira Female
114 born 29.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Little Boy (SPH n)
Dam: Hot Moon Cats Alisia (SPH n 21 33)
SPH n 32 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black mink Leonel' Alinine Pets Male
115 born 18.09.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SPH w 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh/Exh)
white Star Line Kiss Fiza Female
116 born 08.03.2019
Microchip: -
Dam: Milamuria Osaka of Star Line Kiss (SPH w 63)


Undefined breed

NON b 33 (ton) 17. Show class novices (Nov/Nov/-)
champagne point (tonkinese) Djessica Female
117 born 28.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

Kittens for sale

Longhair group


PER d 22 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
red blotched Iskra Dom Vesta Female
118 born 01.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Nata-Li*UA Dareos Red San (EXO d 22)
Dam: Sofia-Sun (PER e 21 33)

Highland Fold

SFL Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
color determination Adel MurMatagot Litter
119 born 01.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Merlin (SFL b)
Dam: Avrora Leitis Brungilda (SFL 71 ns)

Scottish Straight Longhair

SFL 71 a 03 22 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
blue blotched bicolour Beloved Friend Elmar Male
120 born 02.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Vagner Demidoff (SFL ds 03)
Dam: Beloved Friend Ketty (SFS 71 n 22)
SFL 71 a 22 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
blue blotched Beloved Friend Emily Female
121 born 02.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Vagner Demidoff (SFL ds 03)
Dam: Beloved Friend Ketty (SFS 71 n 22)
SFL 71 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
color determination Litter NoCattery D... Litter
122 born 20.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Mari-ko Whisky (SFL a 03 22)
Dam: Mari-ko Stella (SFS 71 a)
SFL 71 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
color determination Alia MurMatagot Litter
123 born 01.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Merlin (SFL b)
Dam: Avrora Leitis Brungilda (SFL 71 ns)

Semi longhair group

Maine Coon

MCO a Show class for sale (Sal/-/-)
124 born 18.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Mozart Mazurka (MCO ds 09 24)
Dam: Velvet Constellation Peri (MCO fs 22)
MCO a Show class for sale (Sal/-/-)
blue ICE CREAM Yarosvet Male
125 born 18.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Mozart Mazurka (MCO ds 09 24)
Dam: Velvet Constellation Peri (MCO fs 22)
MCO ds 23 Show class for sale (Sal/-/-)
red silver mackerel YAROSVET DORA Female
126 born 07.02.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Mozart Mazurka (MCO ds 09 24)
Dam: Shatery Ramina Mary (MCO d 23)
MCO e 09 25 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
cream ticked w/white medallion UA*Arine Gulliver Male
127 born 07.01.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
MCO es Show class for sale (Sal/-/-)
cream smoke Yarosvet Krem Male
128 born 23.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Mozart Mazurka (MCO ds 09 24)
Dam: Narina Pectoral (MCO d)
MCO fs 02 25 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
black tortie silver ticked harlequin UA*Arine Hennessy Female
129 born 25.01.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Ch. Elite Planet Q'Grand (MCO ds 09 24)
Dam: UA*Arine Germione (MCO n 03)
MCO n 03 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
black bicolour UA*Arine Hugo Boss Male
130 born 25.01.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
MCO n 22 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
black blotched Obertass Taison Male
131 born 30.12.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Gatos De Sueno Alex (MCO n)
Dam: Benedicite Q-Ledi of Obertass (MCO a 22)
MCO n 23 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
black mackerel Black Faraon Mars Neuter
132 born 11.09.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Luxurybigcat Edward (MCO n 22)
Dam: WCF Eur.Ch. Black Faraon Filisia (MCO n 23)


RAG a 03 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/-)
blue bicolour Malishka from Magic Yard Female
133 born 12.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: M-Quando Azrag Bey,CZ (RAG a 03)
Dam: Felicia from Magic Yard (RAG g 04 (rag))
RAG a 04 21 (rag) Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/-)
blue tabby mitted (ragdoll) Murkosha from Magic Yard Male
134 born 12.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: M-Quando Azrag Bey,CZ (RAG a 03)
Dam: Felicia from Magic Yard (RAG g 04 (rag))

Shorthair group


ABY Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/-)
color determination Litter B Litter
135 born 16.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -


BEN n 24 Show class for sale (Sal/-/-)
black spotted Angelina Female
136 born 03.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: Mountain River Asya (BEN n 24)

Shorthair group


BEN n 24 16. Show class kitten (CACP/-/-)
black spotted Archi Male
137 born 03.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: Mountain River Asya (BEN n 24)

Kittens for sale

Shorthair group

British Shorthair

BRI ns 11 Show class for sale (-/Sal/Sal)
black silver shaded Nonpareil Indigo Male
138 born 04.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Gucci Ars Britannica*PL (BRI ns 11)
Dam: Maxfold Odette (BRI ns 11)
BRI ns 11 33 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
seal silver shaded point Nonpareil Kayzer Male
139 born 10.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Diamond-PRO Happy Boy (BRI ns 11 33)
Dam: Nonpareil Chipsa (BRI ns 11 33)
BRI ns 11 33 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
seal silver shaded point Nonpareil Kenwood Male
140 born 10.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Diamond-PRO Happy Boy (BRI ns 11 33)
Dam: Nonpareil Chipsa (BRI ns 11 33)

Exotic Shorthair

EXO d 22 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
red blotched Izum Dom Vesta Male
141 born 01.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Nata-Li*UA Dareos Red San (EXO d 22)
Dam: Sofia-Sun (PER e 21 33)
EXO n 22 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
black blotched Zinnat*Dom Vesta Male
142 born 09.02.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Nata-Li*UA Dareos Red San (EXO d 22)
Dam: Margosha (EXO f)

Scottish Fold Shorthair

SFS a 22 Show class for sale (Sal/-/-)
blue blotched Silver Foot Darvin Male
143 born 11.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Adonis (SFS ns 22 64)
Dam: Iowa Royal Star (SFS 71 ns 24)
SFS bs Show class for sale (Sal/-/-)
chocolate smoke Angel's Blessing Nugo Boss Male
144 born 24.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Acetin (SFL w 62)
Dam: Berry Angel's Blessing (SFS 71 bs 24)
SFS e Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
cream Fancy Tails Elit Xantos Male
145 born 09.10.2018
Microchip: нет
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFS n 22 Show class for sale (Sal/-/-)
black blotched Silver Foot Demi Moor Female
146 born 11.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Adonis (SFS ns 22 64)
Dam: Iowa Royal Star (SFS 71 ns 24)
SFS w 62 Show class for sale (Sal/-/-)
white w/orange eyes Heart Angel's Blessing Male
147 born 24.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Acetin (SFL w 62)
Dam: Berry Angel's Blessing (SFS 71 bs 24)

Scottish Straight Shorthair

SFS 71 a 22 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
blue blotched Beloved Friend Jessie Male
148 born 15.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Fairyland Edwin of Beloved Friend (SFS n 22)
Dam: Silver Sharm Iriska (SFS 71 a 22)
SFS 71 a 22 Show class for sale (Sal/-/-)
blue blotched Teana Mur ABIGAIL Female
149 born 16.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Bonne Chance Mon Amour (SFS bs 22)
Dam: Marsel Leopard universe (SFS 71 n 22)
SFS 71 ds 02 24 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
red silver spotted harlequin Opall Feyeriya Uspekha Male
150 born 11.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFS 71 fs 03 24 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
black tortie silver spotted bicolour Ozi Feyeriya Uspekha Female
151 born 11.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFS 71 n 22 Show class for sale (-/Sal/Sal)
black blotched Beloved Friend Sparkie Male
152 born 27.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Beloved Friend Latte (SFS c 22)
Dam: Beloved Friend Ketty (SFS 71 n 22)
SFS 71 n 22 Show class for sale (Sal/-/-)
black blotched Teana Mur Archie Male
153 born 16.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Bonne Chance Mon Amour (SFS bs 22)
Dam: Marsel Leopard universe (SFS 71 n 22)
SFS 71 n 22 Show class for sale (Sal/-/-)
black blotched Teana Mur AGATA Female
154 born 16.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Bonne Chance Mon Amour (SFS bs 22)
Dam: Marsel Leopard universe (SFS 71 n 22)
SFS 71 ns 11 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
black silver shaded Niagara Feyeriya Uspekha Female
155 born 02.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Bonsar's Fatif (SFS ns 24)
Dam: Merlin Blaze of Gloria (SFS 71 gs 24)
SFS 71 ns 22 Show class for sale (Sal/-/-)
black silver blotched Teana Mur AURORA Female
156 born 16.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Bonne Chance Mon Amour (SFS bs 22)
Dam: Marsel Leopard universe (SFS 71 n 22)
SFS 71 ns 24 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
black silver spotted Nemida Feyeriya Uspekha Female
157 born 02.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Bonsar's Fatif (SFS ns 24)
Dam: Merlin Blaze of Gloria (SFS 71 gs 24)
SFS 71 w 62 Show class for sale (Sal/-/-)
white w/orange eyes Happy Angel's Blessing Female
158 born 24.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Acetin (SFL w 62)
Dam: Berry Angel's Blessing (SFS 71 bs 24)



BAM n 03 21 Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/Sal)
black tabby bicolour Star Line Kiss Kelvin Male
159 born 01.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Bambi-Bum Caesar of Star Line Kiss (BAM n 03)
Dam: Star Line Kiss Libbi (SPH n 03 21)

Hairless group


SPH n Show class for sale (Sal/-/-)
black Star Line Kiss Happy Female
160 born 30.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: GFB. Leksus Marinika (SPH b 03 32)
Dam: -
SPH Show class for sale (Sal/Sal/-)
color determination Litter Aaron/Amberian Litter
161 born 10.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

Additional participants' list

DRX n 7. Show class grand international champion (CACE/CACE/CACE)
black WCF W.Ch. Bel WonderLand's*BY Evrashka Female
162 born 28.07.2018
Microchip: 900113000832162
Sire: Wonderland's Zavulon (DRX n 09 32)
Dam: Wonderland's Rihanna (DRX ns 24)
SFS Show class For Sale (Sal/Sal/-)
color determination Litter Winterfall D... Litter
163 born 21.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
ABY n (aby) 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
ruddy (abyssinian) Royal Joy Lady Lucky Lilith Female
164 born 24.01.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Royal Joy Lord Lion (ABY a (aby))
Dam: Royal Joy Damiana (ABY n (aby))
MCO w 62 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB/CACIB)
white w/orange eyes Dreamcatcher*KZ Apache Male
165 born 08.08.2018
Microchip: 398094100042614KZ
Sire: WCF Int.Ch. WCF Pearl Master Seimon Matisse Malkovich (MCO w 63)
Dam: Jakarta Bright Forest Soul*KZ (MCO f 09 22)
DRX b 03 22 13. Show class open (CAC/-/-)
chocolate blotched bicolour Roxy Vi-Za-Vi*UA Female
166 born 09.12.2016
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
DRX o 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
cinnamon Narsis of Vi-Za-Vi UA Male
167 born 07.07.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
DRX h 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
chocolate tortie Chokolina of Vi-Za-Vi UA Female
168 born 10.08.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
DRX f 03 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black tortie bicolour Elizabeth of Vi-Za-Vi UA Female
169 born 15.08.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFL 71 g 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
blue tortie (blue cream) Greise Hause UA Daenerys Female
170 born 17.09.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -